Monday, May 18, 2009


The song by the Shirelle’s “Will You Love Me Tomorrow” kind of sums it up. “Tonight you’re mine completely... but will you love me tomorrow?” Roe v Wade was born out of an era when men called the shots. Having an affair? Enjoy. What, you’re pregnant? Here’s the dough for an abortion and here’s who to call. Now, goodbye. Love ‘em and leave ‘em…. And now on to another playmate.

Men have nobody to blame but themselves for not having a leg to stand on when it comes to abortion rights. That not withstanding, it’s time for us to take back our rights as protectors of our children, born and unborn.

The question was recently asked of a pro-abortion female, “If it is recognized that if you are granted child support payments, does it not follow that a man has partial ownership of that child? Her answer was that once it’s in her womb, it belongs to her alone. Yet, when it comes to abortion, Roe v Wade, i.e. the state, says a father has no such ownership and no say in the matter.

The female of our species carry the egg. By itself, this egg is not human life. Potential life yes, but not human life. The male of our species carry the sperm. Some of us have probably seen film of them under a microscope. You can see them moving around. They’re alive, of course, but they’re not human life. Before fertilization, neither the egg or the sperm can be called human life.

Once the sperm of the male fertilizes the egg of the female, human life begins, not before. With this development there now comes into existence a mother and a father, and a human life that will physically enter our air space in approximately nine months. And as parents, is it not now our moral duty is to do everything in our power to protect the life and well-being of our newly-created generation of self?

Another factor to be considered in the abortion question is permission. If a woman is impregnated by a man, has she not contributed equally to the pregnancy? However, the Womens' Movement says a woman’s body is her own business. Roe v Wade supported that. But it never addressed who owns male sperm. However, upon conception a transformation takes place. The union of egg and sperm produces something new. Should not the “new” now have a voice of its own?

If the logic of the United States Supreme Court in the guise of Roe v Wade is to remain law, i.e., women own their womb, it must therefore be logical that men own their sperm, no matter where they deposit it. If not, we have no choice but to conclude that men cannot be responsible for child support and laws to that effect need to be revisited and overturned.

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